Background 背景
I’m currently a senior in National Taiwan Ocean University, majoring in computer science and engineering. I have one year experience coding in Swift UI, started in an iOS course. My iOS portfolio includes e-books, tools, and minor games, for more information please visit other stories on my Medium(link). This is my first time attending the WWDC Swift Student Challenge, advised by teacher Pan.
我目前就讀於國立台灣海洋大學資訊工程學系四年級,一年前在校內課程撰寫iOS時接觸到 Swift UI。 我的iOS作品包括電子書、工具以及遊戲,更多細節可以參閱Medium的其他文章(連結在這)。本次是我第一次參加WWDC Swift Student Challenge,受潘世穎老師指導。
Motivation 參與動機
I acknowledge this event held by Apple from the school’s course. I’ve also noticed that this challenge focused on student’s creativity from last year’s works. It’s a great opportunity for me to showcase my innovative creativity and coding talent. In addition, I have strong interest and confidence in iOS development and Swift, therefore, I decided to take this year’s challenge. Looking forward to winning this challenge :)
我從學校課程得知Apple所舉辦的這項活動,並且從去年WWDC Student Challenge的作品中注意到 ,這個挑戰相當重視學生們創新的創意,對於創意豐富的我絕對是一個大顯身手的好機會。另外,我對於iOS app開發以及撰寫swift語言具備強力的興趣與自信,因此選擇報名今年的挑戰。期待能夠入圍本次的挑戰:)
Work Inspiration 作品靈感
Inspired by the movie Lucy(2014), which quotes: “Time is the only true unit of measure. Without time, we don’t exist.”. We know less about time than we imagine, we can’t see time, not to mention control its duration and speed. Movie Tenet(2020) also interprets the abstruse of time, including time’s direction and reverse. What if we can control time? Can we skip this raging pandemic? Can we go back to the past to make a better choice? Does parallel time really exist? How come we feel time flies when we’re busy, and it’s infinite when we get bored? Even “light year”, a distance unit, is based on time. Out of my curiosity and imagination about time, I came up with making a little game to test our sensitivity to time.
Work Description 作品說明
A game featuring time measuring by using Swift UI, Timer, 3D Effect, Animation and AV Foundation. Players can think about the true meaning of time when playing, it’s a thought-provoking game. With simple layouts and colors, players feel comfortable while playing. The goal of this game is to stop the timer exactly at a specific time. There is a moving car and a slider which controls the speed of time show on the first page, players can see how time speed affects an object by sliding the slider. Instructions page which explains game rules detailly shows after the player hits the “How To Play” button. In game page, players choose different target time at the top, and adjust game parameters, including sound hint, distractions at the bottom. The timer will start after the countdown animation when pressing “Start Timer”, stop the timer and show the result by pressing “Stop Timer” button. Timer automatically stops 5 seconds after target time. Wish all to have fun while playing!!
運用SwiftUI、Timer、3D effect、Animation以及AVFoundation等工具完成一個測量時間的小遊戲。主要特色是玩家在遊玩的過程中也能同時思考時間的意義。在設計上簡單乾淨,讓玩家在遊玩體驗上更加舒適。玩家的目標是準確地將計時器停在指定的時間上。在首頁有一台移動的汽車與控制速度的滑桿,玩家可以滑動滑桿並檢視時間速度對事物的影響。點選”How To Play”按鈕後會進入到遊戲說明頁面,講解遊戲的遊玩方式與細節。遊戲頁面的上方可以選擇不同的指定時間,在下方可以調整遊戲的參數,包括:聲音提示、干擾程度等等。點下”Start Timer”的按鈕後會出現倒數動畫,動畫結束後計時器將開始;按下”Stop Timer”後計時器停止,根據距離目標時間的不同顯示不同的結果。若超過目標時間5秒,計時器將自動停止。快來測試你對時間的靈敏度吧!祝所有玩家遊玩愉快!
Work Status 作品狀態
Difficulties and Challenges 困難與挑戰
Due to challengers can only submit a under 25Mb file, and with the judging focus on technical, creativity, and knowledge, I spent great efforts and time on deciding work’s topic. In addition, this is my first time completing a project using Swift playground instead of XCode project. The transition to Swift playground didn’t go well for me, such as code doesn’t match, environment setup, etc. Additionally, to reach my expectations, I must learn some technique like 3D rotation effect by myself. I wanted to give up several times, but since it’s my very first time applying to this challenge, and my passion for swift, after countless tries and the help of teacher Pan., I finally succeeded in completing my Swift playground. The outcome is very satisfying for me.
挑戰者只能上傳25Mb以內的專案,加上主要評分項目包含技術使用、創意與知識,因此在決定主題與方向上花了不少的心思與時間。另外,在本次的挑戰之前,我主要使用XCode project撰寫iOS App,在轉換至 playground的過程中並不順利,像是:部分語法不相通、環境建置等等。在技術上也碰到了不同的難題,像是運用到的3D rotation effect是需要自己上網尋找資料、參考範例自我學習的。我曾多次想要放棄,由於是我第一次參加這個挑戰,再加上我對於Swift的熱忱,在經過多次的嘗試與潘老師的幫助下終於成功在playground上建置成功,成果也非常滿意。
Thoughts 感想
Innovative creativity is the most precious asset to a person. I find this event very challenging, and I’ve learned various things from it. It’s a bit unfortunate that I noticed WWDC in my last year of university, other than that, I’m grateful for attending this year’s event. I enjoyed the process a lot, it’s definitely a wonderful memory to me. I’m desperate to attend in WWDC again in the future. Special thanks to National Taiwan Ocean University(NTOU) for providing complete equipment and course, and many thanks to my parents’ support. It’s really a pleasure to be advised by teacher Pan.
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