[Tool] Bah-Soo Attendance Calculator — Making every minute counts

3 min readJan 11, 2023

Description | 說明

Bah-Soo Attendance Calculator(Bah-Soo AC) is a tool to record the time you start working and time entering and leaving the gym. It helps you log timestamps that the original attendance record system doesn’t record, and additionally calculates when to get off work and overtimes. As the old saying goes “Time is money”, we want to take the maximum advantage of every second, so you can use Bah-Soo AC to calculate when to get off work by not wasting a single second.

However, there is some restriction on the use of the tool:

  1. Since Bah-Soo AC is an offline app and doesn’t access the user’s location, it doesn’t record time automatically. In other words, users have to punch or select timestamps manually.
  2. Quanta allows employees to use the gym before and after work, however, Bah-Soo AC supports only if users use the gym after work. The time entering Kanda must be greater than the clock out time.
  3. Due to the changes in Quanta’s attendance policy, timestamps don’t automatically count as the most appropriate time. For example, if Quanta’s clock in time is 8 A.M. to 9 A.M. but you clocked in at 07:55, the system doesn’t automatically convert to 8 A.M.
  4. Bah-Soo AC allows users to record one pair of Kanda in and out time only, so if you enter and leave Kanda multiple times in a day, please add the time up manually.

Inspiration | 啟發

I am currently a software engineer at Quanta Computer Inc. Quanta allows employees to go to exercise after work, and if I have extra work to do after exercise it’s available to work overtime and get paid. However, Quanta’s internal attendance record system doesn’t show the time I enter and leave the gym until the next day, moreover, the minimum time of paid overtime is 1 hour and 0.5 hr as a unit, so it’s hard to calculate when is the best time to get off work . As a result, I’ve come up with an idea to record time when entering and leaving the gym manually on my phone and calculate when to get off work overtime.

Feature and Usage | 功能

The tool helps users to know when to get off work and overtime by following below steps:

  1. Punch or select clock in time (Time is save locally, you can close the app once you recorded)
  2. Select if you enters Kanda
  3. Punch or select Kanda in and out time enters (Time is save locally, you can close the app once you recorded)
  4. Hit “Calculate” to view the result
  5. According to the result, you can know when to get off!

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